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Welcome, buzz on in!

I'M DES, Product Designer

You may see bees scattered around my portfolio, what do they represent? Bees are one of my most favorite little creatures. Bees are not only extremely important to keep our world running perfectly behind the scenes but they are also diligent and hard working. They put in time and effort to build and strengthen each other as a whole. Not only is that something I love to apply in my personal life but it also applies perfectly to how I represent myself in my UX/UI career.  

I'm a designer buzzing for work!

 I am always ready to learn and understand user needs to help improve their overall experience. I love strategizing on different ideas and functionalities that fix user pain points and help reach business goals. Such as conducting user research and creating prototypes to solve frustrations users may face. As a designer, I understand that there is always room to grow so I am constantly looking for different ways to improve myself. I look forward to seeing where my UX/UI journey takes me.

Want to get to know me?

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