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Where it all began!

Desiree Jimenez

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My Story

I’ve always been a creative person. Ever since I was younger I would draw and paint whenever I had the opportunity to do so. Fashion and makeup have always been a big part of me. I think of it as a way to express who I am. Although these were things I loved I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to pursue as a profession, so when it came time to make a career choice, I was determined to make sure it was what I wanted. 



I sat down on my laptop for hours searching for an occupation that felt good for me. I felt so lost with so many options not sitting right until my brother called me and told me about UX and how he thought it would be perfect for me. He encouraged me to look into it and do my own research on it to see if I liked it, so that night I stayed up late watching

YouTube videos, getting more and more excited with the idea of this sounding perfect for me.



Before making such a big decision to go with UX I wanted to truly be sure of myself and take a few courses to dip my feet in and see if this was really what I wanted to get into. The more I learned about it the more interested I was and the more I fell in love with it.

After doing some courses I knew this is what I wanted to do so I decided to take a Bootcamp to master research and design skills and understand what I need to do, to be the best I can possibly be in this profession and so here I am. Once I have a goal in mind there is literally nothing that will stop me from reaching it.



With so much more of my story yet to be told and so many things unknown of the future, the one thing I truly know is I’m so grateful for everyone who has been apart of my journey and has helped paved the way for me. I can’t be more thankful for the people I have in my life. I’m so excited to see where UI/UX takes me and I can’t wait to be able to fill out the rest of my story. Until then this is where I am...

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